Spider Medicine

IMG_2115I have only just returned from the Fourteenth Spiritual Unity of  The Tribes Gathering Australia, at Halls Gap at Gariwerd (The Grampians) in Victoria. If you had read my last post, Holding the Vision for the New Dawn, you would remember my little shamanic spirit totem, the Scarlet Robin who jumped in front of my car earlier in the month to bring me a message. Well, Scarlet Robin has been very, very busy this last whole lunar month; this has been the month of that amazing Scorpio full moon with an eclipse attached. My winged shamanic friend accompanied me to the SUT Gathering and as I sat under that April full moon, (ANZAC DAY RE-MEMBERENCE) and shared it with mobs of kangaroos and emus and white cockatoos and with elders in young bodies and with elders in older bodies and as I listened to their stories which they shared with the sacred fire, I knew that on many, many levels, a shamanic death was taking place.

Scarlet Robin with his scorched red heart is raising our collective vibration. He is messaging us that now is the right time to ask Great  Spirit to help us release both ourselves and our kin from our attachments to personal grief and tribal strife within family, within community and around the globe. In surrendering these attachments to the sacred fire, we will be providing ourselves and our kin for seven generations passed and for seven generation still to be born, with the lighter vibratory body of the white dove of peace, with the higher octaves of harmonious vibrations to live in.

When we open the portal to the higher, more pure of heart vibration of unified love, we must pass through the sacred fire, disrobing our scorched hearts and robing ourselves in the glistening threads of Spider’s crystalline, sparkling web. This eighth dimensional plane of consciousness allows us to re-organise our world into realms of experience that accepts and integrates diversity and death into the whole. Compassion rather than grief.  ‘Memento mori’ allows us to “in remembering death, find that which we most value in life” and so we are able to access the love dwelling within our soul’s essence, our essential nature.IMG_2038

We are then able to live in the ‘state of love’, in the ‘state of grace’, compassionate but not stricken by grief, we are able to live above the  grief vibration; understanding our grief but not adhering to it. Grief binds us to our tribe in such a way that it can become heavy and encumbered,  like a cobweb gathering dust and smelling musty. Grief needs to be cleared away so that only its light body remains on the frequency of harmony and integration. This can then remain connected to the world wide web of eighth dimensional frequency in Love And Light.

At this Gathering, we were being shown by Great Spirit through our Lakota relative’s guidance, how to release these attachments to grief to the wind and to new life and in freeing our bodies from such an encumbrance, we were allowing our spirits and our ancestors spirits to soar to the new world of the love vibration, we were also lifting the gravity out of our own bodies, uplifting ourselves on all planes, like the the Phoenix rising out of the ashes of the shaman’s death fire.

Under the glaze and the warmth of the midday sun on the Sunday, at the Double Dog Scorpio Moon Sacred Fire, hundreds of our tiny little Spider relatives wove their fine gossamer threads on our laps and backs and cast themselves into the wind which was blowing from the South East. Across the central fire and beyond into the West swept sparkling gossamer threads to hook up the Medicine Drum near the Western Gate. This drum and the other Medicine Drum could be heard right up the canyon and into the nearby mountains and rock faces and waterfalls and goat tracks. These little tiny Spiders cast themselves on the end of their threads from the South where so many of the younger wise ones sat, our future Elders, across the sacred fire and on to the North, where many of the older Elders were sitting and into the souls of past generations. Far reaching is this energy field.

Fourteen years ago, in 1999, I also attended the inaugural Spiritual Unity of the Tribes Gathering, Australia, (Honouring The Grandmother), at Daylesford, in Victoria. It was here that I began a new cycle in my life on this Double Dog Libra Full Moon, walking in my new skin as Fullmoon-Rising. I had climbed out of my conservative comfort zone, I had completed my apprenticeship on the Sacred Pipe to the White Buffalo Calf Woman‘s Spiritual Teachings and was rising to the call of the Sacred Wind as a new Relative.

Later that same year I climbed to the top of Bear Butte Mountain, Vision Quest Mountain, out of Rapid City, to meet with the Eagles, I sat on the crown of The Sacred Black Hills of South Dakota after attending a Spiritual Unity of The Tribes Gathering, and I also sat on the dizzying heights of Old Oraibi, First Mesa, of the Hopi People on their most sacred day of their year, Corn Planting Day. I offered corn from my farm in Cygnet Tasmania to Mother Earth in honour and in respect of her, as I watched the People plant corn on the desert floor below after the electrical rain storm had flushed the earth anew the previous day. I travelled the breadth of Turtle Island, paying homage to Firefly and to Bear along the Way in Iowa, and I honoured the Drumming Circle and the Sacred River in the Allegheny State Forest in Pennsylvania at the American National Rainbow Gathering of that year.

Returning back home to Cygnet I was welcomed to the Land as custodian of my farm by the Ancestors of my region and I opened the property to the world as a place of Spiritual Rest and Restoration. This continued for the next seven years until finally I plunged over the precipice of my own personal grief in 2006, as the journey drew to a close in that body. I have spent the last seven years, retrieving my soul once again from the abyss of grief, from sacred Mystery, and today I have reached the crown of my next mountain, The Grampians, at Sacred Fire, releasing to the Wind any shackles of grief that no longer serve my Walk. I am here now, in the now, well rested and bathing in the rainbow light being cast down from the celestial halos around this double dog full moon once again. All my Cygnet friends at 42 degrees South, watched this beautiful rainbow phenomena on this Scorpio full moon, just as I had done at my first Spiritual Unity of Tribes Gathering back on the Libra Full Moon in 1999. Another new star of full consciousness is being born on this Double Dog Moon to cast Light upon The Medicine Path way into the future, and the web is already cast.  We have journeyed now through two, seven year cycles, Spiritual Unity of the Tribes and I, only to arrive back at the beginning, ready to cast the net out again over the sacred waters of Life, as light as a white feather aloft on the Spirit of the Wind.IMG_2492

This crystal thread covers the planet and back again as a cosmic web of sacred beauty, weaving as it travels, an octave of harmony in the midst of diversity and carries with it the light body of Mother Earth. As we all, equally, that is, all genders, rise above duality and open our sacred feminine wombs to the light after the tomb of shamanic death, we activate the healing process for Mother Earth, we call it in and we absorb its energy into the marrow in her bones, in our Oneness with her. As we gain strength so she gains strength, for we both are entwined in the Sacred Web of Life. As we call for integrity within diversity, so shall all patriarchal agencies representing the governing structures of this society bend to the Divine Will of the People of the Eight Directions, above as below, and open to the forum of Equity and Justice and operate with a new integrity. We collectively through this harmonic frequency will bring about CHANGE, a new star of consciousness shining in the Eastern Gateway, and in a Good Way.